Sunday, April 28, 2019

TC Editor

TC Editor is very simple and easy to use; here i will give you all tips related to TC Editor and some shortcut keys related to TC Editor which is very useful at the time of coding. Turbo C is a most common C language compiler. Below i will discuss all about its Interfaces.
TC Editor

TC Editor

The interface of Turbo C is very simple. When IDE screen appears, the menu bar is activated. It contains various menus such as;
  • File: This menu contains group of commands used for save , edit , print program, exit from Turbo C editor etc.
  • Edit: This menu contains group of commands used for editing C program source code. Example Copy, Cut, Paste, Undo etc.
  • Search: This menu contains group of commands used for searching specific word as well as replacing it with another one.
  • Run: This menu contains group of commands used for running C program.
  • Compile: This menu contains group of commands used for compiling C program.
  • Debug: This menu contains group of commands used for debugging C program.
  • Project: This menu contains group of commands used for opening, closing and creating projects.
  • Options: This menu contains group of commands used for configuring IDE of Turbo C and setting up directories etc.
  • Windows: This menu contains group of commands used for opening, closing various windows of IDE.
  • Help: This menu is used to get help about specific topic of C language. Similarly to get help about a specific keyword or identifier of C.

Shortcut keys Related to TC Editor

  • Alt + x : Close TC Editor.
  • Clt + f9 : Run C Program.
  • Alt + f9 : Compile C Code.
  • Alt + Enter : Get Full Screen or Half Screen TC Editor.
  • Clt + y : Delete complete line above the cursor.
  • Shift + Right arrow : Select Line of Code.
  • Clt + Insert : Copy.
  • Shift + Insert : Paste.
  • Shift + Delete : Delete.

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